絕對回報 Absolute Return
進取型的投資管理 Aggressive Growth
阿爾法系數 Alpha
另類投資 Alternative Investment
套戥 Arbitrage
認可基金 Authorized Funds
子基金 Baby Funds/Underlying Funds
基準 Benchmarks
貝他系數 Beta
畢蘇期權定價模式 Black-Scholes
認購期權 Call Option/Call
Calmar 比率 Calmar Ratio
最大跌幅 Maximum Drawdown
保本對沖基金 Capital Guaranteed Hedge Funds
可換股債券套戥 Convertible Bond Arbitrage
相關系數 Correlation
受壓 / 瀕臨破產的證券 Distressed Securities
註冊地 Domicile
跌勢差 Downside Deviation
嚴格評估 Due Diligence
效率前緣 Efficient Frontier
新興市場 Emerging Markets
重大事件主導的投資 Event Driven/Special Situations
定息工具套戥 Fixed Income Arbitrage
對沖基金的基金 Fund Of Hedge Funds (FoHFs)
對沖 Hedge
對沖基金 Hedge Fund
對沖基金指引 Hedge Funds Guidelines
新高價 High-On-High Basis
高收益 High Yield
預設回報率 Hurdle Rate
槓桿 Leverage/Gearing
槓桿借貸比率 Leverage Ratio
有限責任 Limited Liability
如計劃為傘子基金 Umbrella Fund
長倉 / 好倉 / 持貨 Long Position
長 / 短倉持股 Long/Short Equity
環球宏觀 Macro Funds
期貨管理型基金 Managed Futures
市場中立 Market Neutral
揣測最佳時機 Market Timing
最大跌幅 Maximum Drawdown
合併套戥 Merger Arbitrage
離岸基金 Offshore Funds
表現費 Performance Fees
獎勵費 Incentive Fees
主要經紀 Prime Broker
認沽期權 Put Option/Put
贖回 Redemption
贖回通知期 Redemption Notice Period
Sharpe比率 Sharpe Ratio
短倉 /淡倉 Short Position
沽空 Short Selling
單一對沖基金 Single Strategy Hedge Fund Sortino
比率 Sortino Ratio
跌勢差 Downside Deviation
標準差 Standard Deviation
證券借出 Stock Lending
總回報 Total Return
傳統基金 Traditional Fund
價值型管理 Value
波幅 Volatility
進取型的投資管理 Aggressive Growth
阿爾法系數 Alpha
另類投資 Alternative Investment
套戥 Arbitrage
認可基金 Authorized Funds
子基金 Baby Funds/Underlying Funds
基準 Benchmarks
貝他系數 Beta
畢蘇期權定價模式 Black-Scholes
認購期權 Call Option/Call
Calmar 比率 Calmar Ratio
最大跌幅 Maximum Drawdown
保本對沖基金 Capital Guaranteed Hedge Funds
可換股債券套戥 Convertible Bond Arbitrage
相關系數 Correlation
受壓 / 瀕臨破產的證券 Distressed Securities
註冊地 Domicile
跌勢差 Downside Deviation
嚴格評估 Due Diligence
效率前緣 Efficient Frontier
新興市場 Emerging Markets
重大事件主導的投資 Event Driven/Special Situations
定息工具套戥 Fixed Income Arbitrage
對沖基金的基金 Fund Of Hedge Funds (FoHFs)
對沖 Hedge
對沖基金 Hedge Fund
對沖基金指引 Hedge Funds Guidelines
新高價 High-On-High Basis
高收益 High Yield
預設回報率 Hurdle Rate
槓桿 Leverage/Gearing
槓桿借貸比率 Leverage Ratio
有限責任 Limited Liability
如計劃為傘子基金 Umbrella Fund
長倉 / 好倉 / 持貨 Long Position
長 / 短倉持股 Long/Short Equity
環球宏觀 Macro Funds
期貨管理型基金 Managed Futures
市場中立 Market Neutral
揣測最佳時機 Market Timing
最大跌幅 Maximum Drawdown
合併套戥 Merger Arbitrage
離岸基金 Offshore Funds
表現費 Performance Fees
獎勵費 Incentive Fees
主要經紀 Prime Broker
認沽期權 Put Option/Put
贖回 Redemption
贖回通知期 Redemption Notice Period
Sharpe比率 Sharpe Ratio
短倉 /淡倉 Short Position
沽空 Short Selling
單一對沖基金 Single Strategy Hedge Fund Sortino
比率 Sortino Ratio
跌勢差 Downside Deviation
標準差 Standard Deviation
證券借出 Stock Lending
總回報 Total Return
傳統基金 Traditional Fund
價值型管理 Value
波幅 Volatility
Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
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Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
Personally, I've always found w t offshore to be very intriguing, and interesting, but not always very informative. So I did some research and started my own webpage to help people get started with w t offshore.
If w t offshore also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.
Anonymous, at 7:32 AM
Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
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If offshore company incorporation also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.
Anonymous, at 3:54 AM
Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
Personally, I've always found hsbc offshore to be very intriguing, and interesting, but not always very informative. So I did some research and started my own webpage to help people get started with hsbc offshore.
If hsbc offshore also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
Personally, I've always found w t offshore to be very intriguing, and interesting, but not always very informative. So I did some research and started my own webpage to help people get started with w t offshore.
If w t offshore also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.
Anonymous, at 6:41 AM
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Anonymous, at 6:22 PM
Louie Wong, interesting post - this post.
Personally, I've always found offshore hedge funds to be very intriguing, and interesting, but not always very informative. So I did some research and started my own webpage to help people get started with offshore hedge funds.
If offshore hedge funds also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
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